Final Song of Progressions 

     So we've finally made it, 12 months, 12 songs. The final song on this list is the final song on the album. It's bittersweet, this post. I've enjoyed going through my material and thinking of where I was when I wrote these songs. I'm getting ready to record a new album and I really like the music. I don't think the stories behind the songs are as interesting but I like the music. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

     So how did Sexy Man come to be? Well, I was looking at myself in the mirror and BAM!, it hit me. Just kidding. I had written the blues lick in the beginning and really wanted to write a blues song. This isn't exactly a blues number but it's got a similar soul. I added the harmonica later and just had a really good time with it. I always feel like this is a really fun song, regardless of the lyrics. I'd love to put together a small band and jam on songs like this. It's very different from the other songs on the album, in that I always envisioned it as a band number, not a solo thing. I've never had the pleasure of playing it with a band but I will one day, and I hope to have a recording of it.

     Contrary to popular belief (okay, I've rarely had this conversation with anyone but I've imagined it many times), the ladies in this song are imaginary, and any resemblance to real life people is purely coincidental. Well, maybe they're more amalgamations of several ladies. The first lady, the one that has a hair combing obsession, is any number of ladies I've met over the years, ones I am rarely drawn to. We see them all over, the ones who, according to their online dating profiles, can't live without their phones. Hey, I admit it, my phone is a useful tool, but if I'm stranded on a desert isle (which could be really cool under the right circumstances), the lack of my phone is not going to prevent me from breathing. We've all met plenty of these people who use their inferred attractiveness to get rides to places, get drinks, be fake, and generally bring down the collect chi (Qi) of the human race. I have no use for such humans. I prefer the people who are real. I've met plenty of them. They don't mind a good conversation, sharing an honest insight, and getting their hands dirty. I've actually met more of these groovy people then the fake ones, giving me more confidence in the human race.

     So are the lyrics to this song inappropriate? Some would say yes, others don't listen to lyrics closely enough to have an opinion. I usually warn people to listen to this track before sharing it with their kids. Does that make the song wrong? No, it's from the heart, it's light-hearted, and it's a good song. Yup, I'm endorsing my own song. It's okay to do now and then. 

     I've enjoyed sharing this music for the last year. Thanks to the friend/consultant who suggested this exercise. You know who you are. I've been through some changes in my life and I've got some more coming up. I guess we all do. Thanks for listening to my song rambling and I hope you've enjoyed this journey. I'll still be writing this blog and I hope to put up some demos of the new material soon.