
     So this is a bit off topic, but then what isn't with me. I've been a bit frustrated with public education. We're pushing our kids too hard, holding them to unrealistic expectations, and not letting them be kids. Well, that's on one hand. One the other hand, we're not holding them accountable. What was wrong with holding back a kid who didn't do the work to advance? They just might need more time to get it, or they're lazy. I have personal experience with someone who is only given 20 minutes of recess a day, in the second grade. Are you kidding me? And they (the collective they) wonder why we have behavior issues. Seems pretty obvious to me. And it isn't the teacher's fault. Teachers are being set up to fail by being ordered to put kids in unrealistic situations. Drives me nuts. As it seems like with everything in our society, we're overthinking it.

      This actually has a lot to do with music. Well, what doesn't have to do with music? We have a society who is buying the crap that is being sold to them. And by crap I mean Miley Cyrus, twerking, rap stars that are only interested in bling and hoes..yet get very little gardening done...wardrobe malfunctions, auto-tunings, etc. I tried watching the voice once. Blondie, no-talent judge there, whatever her name is (Jessica Simpson?, no...Christina Aguleirra...I can't remember or I don't care to remember) actually said that she was voting for a contestant because of her look. She even admitted that the other contestant was a better singer. I turned it off right there, the show lost any credibility. It's called The Voice for god's sake, the one with the best voice should win. Perfect example of what's wrong with our society. It might look good even if it sounds bad but people will buy it. And I love Cee-lo Green. Please leave that show for the sake of your credibility Cee-lo, you've got talent. Don't squander it with those other loser judges, whether one of them thinks he moves like Jagger or not.

      What people need is good music without all the over-complicated stuff. Go listen to good stuff, it's around and it isn't hard to find. There's a local place here who advertises live music. I don't go there, though. Why you ask? Simple, they don't pay the musicians. The musicians work for a tip jar and maybe a meal. I don't mind going someplace and paying a cover when I know the band is being treated right. I do have a problem buying a drink and giving my money to the local bar owner when I know none of it's going to the musician. Those bar owners make a lot of cash off the booze they sell to the audience. Be classy and give the musician their share. What does this have to do with the above? It's a disconnect. People buy crap because the rich people at the top keep getting rich because people are buying crap. It's a viscious cycle. Some school know-it-all in the capital thinks they get education and push notions on down that just don't work. Kids need play, people need good music. We, as a society need to raise our standards. We need to stand up and say it. Let kids play, give us some quality music, respect. I guess respect is what it comes down to. The people at the top don't respect everyone below them, which is funny because I've stood near sewer vent pipes on roofs and I can certainly smell what's coming up that pipe.
      I personally don't care about what kind of music you're listening to. If you think it's good, that's all that matters. I just wish you were being given some good stuff to choose from. If you're looking for some good stuff, buy my album, it might be just what you're looking for. It might not be but at least you'd listen and find out. Keep an open mind and be ready for new sounds and ideas, they might really resonate with you. I do care that our kids are not being treated respectfully. High stakes testing and over-working kids does not produce people who think independently and have original thoughts. So there it is, if we question the quality, not the quantity of our education and the music scene, we'll improve society. So simple yet......

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